16 Oct 2006

Just landed a sweet feature for bzr: dotted decimal revision numbers. There is a sample log (warning its 2Mb) where you can see this in all its glory. A sneak preview is here:

 ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 1986 committer: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com> branch nick: +trunk timestamp: Wed 2006-09-06 00:33:01 +0100 message: (robertc) Add TestCase.applyDeprecated, a common-case helper for testing deprecated functions. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 1982.3.3 merged: robertc@robertcollins.net-20060905231840-bd95f673d0205a81 committer: Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> branch nick: applyDeprecated timestamp: Wed 2006-09-06 09:18:40 +1000 message: Change raise AssertionError to self.fail in the new applyDeprecated test support method. ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 1982.3.2 merged: robertc@robertcollins.net-20060905230133-2c68611e38fd7922 committer: Robert Collins <robertc@robertcollins.net> branch nick: applyDeprecated timestamp: Wed 2006-09-06 09:01:33 +1000 message: New TestCase helper applyDeprecated. This allows you to call a callable which is deprecated without it spewing to the screen, just by supplying the deprecation format string issued for it. (Robert Collins) ------------------------------------------------------------ revno: 1985 committer: Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager<pqm@pqm.ubuntu.com> branch nick: +trunk timestamp: Tue 2006-09-05 23:13:00 +0100 message: (robertc) Add symbol_versioning.deprecation_string, a helper for establishing what a deprecation warning for a symbol, version-format pair will look like. 

This is really nice for users, because it lets them address revisions in a somewhat more predictable manner than the UUID each revision has. This feature is in the mainline now, look for bzr 0.12 to be able to use it – or grab bzr.dev now!

08 Oct 2006

It make be a small thing, but barriers to entry are .. barriers to entry.

Erlang has a make-life file built into the system. If you see something like ‘Emakefile’, you might be tempted to google ’emake’.


Instead, run ‘erl -make’.

And this is my point : that should be made much more obvious. Simply saying in the README for an app that uses this, ‘build with erl -make’ would remove all the mystery.