A moment of history

I’ve been asked more than once what it was like at the beginning of Ubuntu, before it was a company, when an email from someone I’d never heard of came into my mailbox.

We’re coming up on 20 years now since Ubuntu was founded, and I had cause to do some spelunking into IMAP archives recently… while there I took the opportunity to grab the very first email I received.

The Ubuntu long shot succeeded wildly. Of course, we liked to joke about how spammy those emails where: cold-calling a raft of Debian developers with job offers, some of them were closer to phishing attacks :). This very early one – I was the second employee (though I started at 4 days a week to transition my clients gradually) – was less so.

I think its interesting though to note how explicit a gamble this was framed as: a time limited experiment, funded for a year. As the company scaled this very rapidly became a hiring problem and the horizon had to be pushed out to 2 years to get folk to join.

And of course, while we started with arch in earnest, we rapidly hit significant usability problems, some of which were solvable with porcelain and shallow non-architectural changes, and we built initially patches, and then the bazaar VCS project to tackle those. But others were not: for instance, I recall exceeding the 32K hard link limit on ext3 due to a single long history during a VCS conversion. The sum of these challenges led us to create the bzr project, a ground up rethink of our version control needs, architecture, implementation and user-experience. While ultimately git has conquered all, bzr had – still has in fact – extremely loyal advocates, due to its laser sharp focus on usability.

Anyhow, here it is: one of the original no-name-here-yet, aka Ubuntu, introductory emails (with permission from Mark, of course). When I clicked through to the website Mark provided there was a link there to a fantastical website about a space tourist… not what I had expected to be reading in Adelaide during LCA 2004.

From: Mark Shuttleworth <xxx@xxx>
To: Robert Collins <xxx@xxx>
Date: Thu, 15 Jan 2004, 04:30

Tom Lord gave me your email address, I believe he’s
already sent you the email that I sent him so I’m sure
you have some background.

In short, I am going to fund some open source
development for a year. This is part of a new project
that I will be getting off the ground in the coming
weeks. I don’t know where it will lead, it’s flying in
the face of a stiff breeze but I think at the end of
the day it will at least fund a few very good open
source developers for a full year to work on the
projects they like most.

One of the pieces of the puzzle is high end source
code management. I’ll be looking to build an
infrastructure that will manage source code for
between 100 and 8000 open source projects (yes,
there’s a big difference between the two, I don’t know
at which end of the spectrum we will be at the end of
the year but our infrastructure will have to at least
be capable of scaling to the latter within two years)
with upwards of 2000 developers, drawing code from a
variety of sources, playing with it and spitting it
out regularly in nice packages.

Arch and Subversion seem to be the two leading
contenders for “next generation open source sccm”. I’d
be interested in your thoughts on the two of them, and
how they stack up. I’m looking to hire one person who
will lead that part of the effort. They’ll work alone
from home, and be responsible for two things. First,
extending the tool (arch or svn) in ways that help the
project. Such extensions will be released under an
open source licence, and hopefully embraced by the
tools maintainers and included in the mainline code
for the tool. And second, they will be responsible for
our large-scale implementation of SCCM, using that
tool, and building the management scripts and other
infrastructure to support such a large, and hopefully
highly automated, set of repositories.

Would you be interested in this position? What
attributes and experience do you think would make you
a great person to have on the team? What would your
salary expectation be, as a monthly figure, for a one
year contract full time?

I’m currently on your continent, well, just off it. On
Lizard Island, up North. Am headed today for Brisbane,
then on the 17th to Launceston via Melbourne. If you
happen to be on any of those stops, would you be
interested in meeting up to discuss it further?

If you’re curious you can find out a bit more about me
at www.markshuttleworth.com. This project is much
lower key than some of what you’ll find there. It’s a
very long shot indeed. But if at worst all that
happens is a bunch of open source work gets funded at
my expense I’ll feel it was money well spent.



“Good judgement comes from experience, and often experience
comes from bad judgement” – Rita Mae Brown

Rust and distributions

Daniel wrote a lovely blog post about Rust’s ability to be included in distributions, both as a language that you can get via the distribution, and as the language that components of the distribution are being written in.

I think this is a great goal to raise and I have just a few thoughts and quibbles. First I want to acknowledge and agree with him on the Rust community, its so very nice, and he is doing a great thing as rustup lead; I wish I had more time to put in, I have more things I want to contribute to rustup. I’ll try to get back to the meetings soon.

On trust

I completely agree about the need for the crates index improvement : without those we cannot have a mirror network, and thats a significant issue for offline users and slow-region users.

On curlsh though

It isn’t the worst possible thing, for all that its “untrusted bootstrapping”, the actual thing downloaded is https secured etc, and so is the rustup binary itself. Put another way, I think the horror is more perceptual than analyzed risk. Someone that trusts Verisign etc enough to download the Debian installer enough over it, has exactly the same risk as someone trusting Verisign enough to download rustup at that point in time.

Cross signing curlsh that with per-distro keys or something seems pretty ridiculous to me, since the root of trust is still that first download; unless you’re wandering up to someone who has bootstrapped their compiler by hand (to avoid reflections-on-trust attacks), to get an installer, to build a system, to then do reproducible builds, to check that other systems are actually safe… aieeee.

I think its easier to package the curl|sh shell script in Debian itself perhaps? apt install get-rustup; then if / when rustup becomes packaged the user instructions don’t change but the root of trust would, as get-rustup would be updated to not download rustup, but to trigger a different package install, and so forth.

I don’t think its desirable though, to have distribution forks of the contents that rustup manages – Debian+Redhat+Suse+… builds of nightly rust with all the things failing or not, and so on – I don’t see who that would help. And if we don’t have that then the root of trust would still not be shifted under the GPG keychain – it would still be the HTTPS infrastructure for downloading rust toolchains + the integrity of the rustup toolchain builds themselves. Making rustup, which currently shares that trust, have a different trust root, seems pointless.

On duplication of dependencies

I think Debian needs to become more inclusive here, not Rustup. Debian has spent; pauses, counts, yes, DECADES, rejecting multiple entire ecosystems because of a prejuidiced view about what the Right Way to manage dependencies is. And they are not right in a universal sense. They were right in an engineering sense: given constraints (builds are expensive, bandwidth is expensive, disk is expensive), they are right. But those are not universal constraints, and seeking to impose those constraints on Java and Node – its been an unmitigated disaster. It hasn’t made those upstreams better, or more secure, or systematically fixed problems for users. I have another post on this so rather than repeating I’m going to stop here :).

I think Rust has – like those languages – made the crucial, maintainer and engineering efficiency important choice to embrace enabling incremental change across libraries, with the consequence that dependencies don’t shift atomically, and sure, this is basically incompatible with Debian packaging world view which says that point and patch releases of libraries are not distinct packages, and thus the shared libs for these things all coexist in the same file on disk. Boom! Crash!

I assert that it is entirely possible to come up with a reasonable design for managing a respository of software that doesn’t make this conflation, would allow actual point and patch releases of exist as they are for the languages that have this characteristic, and be amenable to automation, auditing and reporting for security issues. E.g. Modernise Debian to cope with this fundamentally different language design decision… which would make Java and Node and Rust work so very much better.

Alternatively, if Debian doesn’t want to make it possible to natively support languages that have made this choice, Debian could:

  • ship static-but-for-system-libs builds
  • not include things written in rust
  • ask things written in rust to converge their dependencies again and again and again (and only update them when the transitive dependencies across the entire distro have converged)

I have a horrible suspicion about which Debian will choose to do :(. The blinkers / echo chamber are so very strong in that community.

For Windows

We got to parity with Linux for IO for non-McAfee users, but I guess there are a lot of them out there; we probably need to keep pushing on tweaking it until it work better for them too; perhaps autodetect McAfee and switch to minimal? I agree that making Windows users – like I am these days – feel tier one, would be nice :). Maybe a survey of user experience would be a good starting point.

Shared libraries

Perhaps generating versioned symbols automatically and building many versions of the crate and then munging them together? But I’d also like to point here again that the whole focus on shared libraries is a bit of a distribution blind spot, and looking at the vast amount of distribution of software occuring in app stores and their model, suggests different ways of dealing with these things. See also the fairly specific suggestion I make about the packaging system in Debian that is the root of the problem in my entirely humble view.


John Goerzen posted an entirely different thing recently, but in it he discusses programs that don’t properly honour terminfo. Sadly I happen to know that large chunks of the Rust ecosystem assume that everything is ANSI these days, and it certainly sounds like, at least for John, that isn’t true. So thats another way in which Rust could be more inclusive – use these things that have been built, rather than being modern and new age and reinventing the 95% match.

Recent changes

I’ve had three pretty significant changes in my life recently. All are worth a little explanation.


I’ve resigned from my role as a Debian Developer. In truth I hadn’t been active for years, and stepping down just makes clear to everyone what the current status is. I may go back at some point, but I think there are fundamental changes needed to Debian – and most “distros” in fact – for it to really excel in our modern open source milieu. More on that another time, but the relevance here is that if I was to go back, it would be because the consensus around the mission has changed (or because I’ve decided the best thing I can do is try to shift that consensus).

LCA Papers

During the most recent Linux.conf.au we had a meeting amongst the physically present papers committee members. I’d expected that meeting to be able what things we could do to prepare for the next LCA papers process – things like adding blinding to the review system, or introducing paper assignments to facilitate a significantly larger papers committee. However, it turned out there was a bigger topic to discuss – diversity within the papers committee. The general mood in that room was that we had been failing to really shift the diversity dial amongst the papers committee and that new ways to shift it needed to be trialled. One thing in particular that was suggested was replacing the leadership (the theory being that leaders more deeply connected to non-cis-hetero-white-male people would find it easier to recruit those folk into the papers committee). I think many good points were raised, and that if we’d started (say) 6 years ago we could have tried hybrid approaches (e.g. delegating recruitment entirely to someone with such connectivity, or a hard quota).

I don’t think the room actually had consensus on how much diversity is needed… should the committee represent the current demographics of LCA attendees? Or of the open source community? Or of humans? Or should it exceed the diversity in order to counter-balance the current skewed demographics and help lead from in front? I’m not sure what my position is at this point – but I am sure the folk in the room would all have given somewhat different answers, but equally that all felt more was needed.

In the morning following that I resigned – My reasons were very simple: my contribution to the papers committee, while (IMO) significant, are replaceable. There are other people with awareness of interesting projects in web/infra/cloud/programming/build/vcs technology spaces. People who are not cis-hetero-white-male; by leaving I provide an opportunity for the LCA papers committee to increase its diversity much faster than if I stayed.

I deeply loved being on the papers committee, I took great pride in looking for the unknown presenters who could add surprising and fascinating things to LCA. I hope that the committee take this priceless opportunity that we’ve given them to radically shift the amount of diversity in the team. And if it should pass that whatever target is reached, and they were to offer membership to me again in future, well then I’d be delighted to participate in future.


I joined VMware 2 and a half years ago to work on a suite of new SaaS products being built there. During that time I grew as an engineer, as you always hope to do; finishing up there as SRE architect (for one business unit). I have some thoughts I intend to pull together about what worked well, what didn’t, what things I’d try next time and so on, but those are not yet ready for publication. As of last week I’m no longer at VMware – I’m taking a small break for a bit; I plan to catch up on home and family things – we’ve had a couple of super hard years with e.g. Lynne’s health. I’m also going to do some of the more far-out ‘what if’ things that I haven’t had time to attempt while working. I may even get around to mass review and merging of various testing-cabal patches that I see backing up!


The merits of (careful) impatience

The Python packaging ecosystem has long desired a overhaul and implementation of designed features, but it often stalls on adoption.

I think its time to propose a guiding principle for incremental change.

be carefully impatient

The cautious approach for delivering a new feature in the infrastructure looks like this:

  1. Design the change.
  2. Implement the change(s) needed, in a new major version (e.g Metadata-2.0).
  3. Wait for the new version to be the default everywhere.
  4. Tell users they can use it.

This is frankly terrible. Firstly, we cannot really identify ‘default everywhere’. We can identify ‘default in known distributions’, but behind the firewall setups may lag arbitrarily far behind. Secondly, it makes the cycle time for getting user feedback extraordinarily long: decade plus time windows. Thirdly, as a consequence, we run a large risk of running ahead of our users and delivering less good fixes and improvements than we might do if they were using our latest things and giving us feedback.

So here is how I think we should deliver things instead:

  1. Design the change with specific care that it fails closed and is opt-in.
  2. Implement the change(s) needed, in a new minor version of the tools.
  3. Tell users they can use it.

So, why do I think we can skip waiting for it to be a default?

pip, wheel and setuptools are just as able to be updated as any other Python component. If someone is installing (say) numpy via pip (or easy-install), then by definition they are willing to use things from PyPI, and pip and setuptools are in that category.

And if they are not installing via pip, then the Python packaging ecosystem does not affect them.

If we have opt-in as a design principle, then the adoption process will be bottom up: projects that are willing to say to their users ‘you need new versions of pip and setuptools’ can do so, and use the feature immediately. Projects that want to support users installing their packages with pip but aren’t willing to ask that they also upgrade their pip can hold off.

If we have fails-closed as a design principle, then when a project has opted in, and the user installing the package hasn’t upgraded their pip, things will at least fail rather than silently doing the wrong thing.

I had experience of this in Mock recently: the 1.1.0 and up releases depended on setuptools 17.1. The minimum setuptools we could have depended on (while publishing wheels) was still newer than that in Ubuntu Precise (not to mention RHEL!), so we were forcing an upgrade regardless.

This worked ok but we had two significant issues. Firstly, folk with incorrect Python paths can end up shadowing system installed packages, and for some reason ‘six’ triggered this for multiple users. Secondly, we had a number of different attempts to clearly signal the dependency, as the new features we were using did not fail closed: they were silently ignored by sufficiently old setuptools.

We ended up with a setup_requires="setuptools>17.1" clause in setup.py, which we’re hopeful will fail, or Just Work, consistently.

key transition time

I’ve transitioned to a new key – announcement here or below. If you’ve signed my key in the past please consider signing my new key to get it integrated into the web of trust. Thanks!

Hash: SHA1,SHA256

Sun, 2013-10-13

Time for me to migrate to a new key (shockingly late - sorry!).

My old key is set to expire early next year. Please use my new key effective
immediately. If you have signed my old key then please sign my key - this
message is signed by both keys (and the new key is signed by my old key).

old key:
pub 1024D/FBD3EB8E 2002-07-20
Key fingerprint = 9222 8732 859D 25CC 2560 B617 867B F9A9 FBD3 EB8E

new key:
pub 4096R/AAC0E286 2013-10-13
Key fingerprint = 8244 0CEA B440 83C7 9431 D2CC 298E 9A19 AAC0 E286

The new key is up on the keyservers, so you can just pull it from there.

- -Rob
Version: GnuPG v2.0.19 (GNU/Linux)


Why platform specific package systems exist and won’t go away

A while back mdz blogged about challenges facing Ubuntu and other Linux distributions. He raises the point that runtime libraries for Python / Ruby etc have a unique set of issues because they tend to have their own packaging systems. Merely a month later he attended Debconf 2010 where a presentation was given on the issues that Java packages have on Dpkg based systems. Since then the conversation seems to have dried up. I’ve been reminded of it recently in discussions within Canonical looking at how we deploy web services.

Matt suggested some ways forward, including:

  • Decouple applications from the core
  • Treat data as a service (rather than packages) – get data live from the web rather than going web -> distro-package -> user machines.
  • Simplify integration between packaging systems (including non-packaged things)

I think its time we revisit and expand on those points. Nothing much has changed in how Ubuntu or other distributions approach integration with other packaging systems… but the world has kept evolving. Internet access is growing ever more ubiquitous, more platforms are building packaging systems – clojure, scala, node.js, to name but three, and a substantial and ever growing number of products expect to operate in a hybrid fashion with an evolving web service plus a local client which is kept up to date via package updates. Twitter, Facebook and Google Plus are three such products. Android has demonstrated a large scale app store on top of Linux, with its own custom packaging format.

In order to expand them, we need some background context on the use cases that these different packaging systems need to support.

Platforms such as antivirus scanners, node.js, Python, Clojure and so forth care a great deal about getting their software out to their users. They care about making it extremely easy to get the latest and greatest versions of their libraries. I say this because the evidence is all around us: every successful development community / product has built a targeted package management system which layers on top of Windows, and Mac OSX, and *nux. The only rational explanation I can come up for this behaviour is that the lower level operating system package management tools don’t deliver what they need. E.g. this isn’t as shallow as wanting a packaging system written in their own language, which would be easy to write off as parochialism rather than a thoughtful solution to their problems.

In general packaging systems provide a language for shipping source or binary form, from one or more repositories, to users machines. They may support replications, and they may support multiple operating systems. They generally end up as graph traversal engines, pulling in dependencies of various sorts – you can see the DOAP specification for an attempt at generic modelling of this. One problem that turns up rapidly when dealing with Linux distribution package managers is that the versions upstream packages have, and the versions a package has in e.g. Debian, differ. They differ because at some stage, someone will need to do a new package for the distribution when no upstream change has been made. This might be to apply a local patch, or it might be to correct a defect caused by a broken build server. Whatever the cause, there is a many to one relationship between the package versions that end users see via dpkg / rpm etc, and those that upstream ship. It is a near certainty that once this happens to a library package, that comparing package versions across different distribution packages becomes hard. You cannot reliably infer whether a given package version is sufficient as a dependency or not, when comparing binary packages between Red Hat and Debian. Or Debian and Ubuntu. The result of this is that even when the software (e.g. rpm) is available on multiple distributions (say Ubuntu and RHEL), or even on multiple operating systems (say Ubuntu and Windows), that many packages will /have/ to be targeted specifically to build and execute properly. (Obviously, compilation has to proceed separately for different architectures, its more the depedency metadata that says ‘and build with version X of dependency Y’ that has to be customised).

The result of this is that there is to the best of my knowledge no distribution of binary packages that targets Debian/Ubuntu and RHEL and Suse and Windows and Mac OS X, although there are vibrant communities building distributions of and for each in isolation. Some of the ports systems come close, but they are still focused on delivering to a small number of platforms. There’s nothing that gives 99% coverage of users. And that means that to reach all their users, they have to write or adopt a new system. For any platform X, there is a strong pressure to have the platform be maintainable by folk that primarily work with X itself, or with the language that X is written in. Consider Python – there is strong pressure to use C, or Python, and nothing else, for any tools – that is somewhat parochial, but also just good engineering – reducing variables and making the system more likely to be well maintained. The closest system I know of – Steam – is just now porting to Ubuntu (and perhaps Linux in general), and has reached its massive popularity by focusing entirely on applications for Windows, with Mac OSX a recent addition.

Systems like pypi which have multi platform eggs do target the wide range of platforms I listed above, but they do so both narrowly and haphazardly: whether a binary or source package is available for a given platform is up to the maintainer of the package, and the packages themselves are dealing with a very narrow subset of the platforms complexity: Python provides compilation logic, they don’t create generic C libraries with stable ABI’s for use by other programs, they don’t have turing complete scripts for dealing with configuration file management and so forth. Anti virus updaters similarly narrow the problem they deal with, and add constraints on latency- updates of anti virus signatures are time sensitive when a new rapidly spreading threat is detected.

A minor point, but it adds to the friction of considering a single packaging tool for all needs is the different use cases of low level package management tools like dpkg or rpm vs the use cases that e.g. pypi has. A primary use case for packages on pypi is for them to be used by people that are not machine administrators. They don’t have root, and don’t want it. Contrast that with dpkg or rpm where the primary use case (to date) is the installation of system wide libraries and tools. Things like man page installation don’t make any sense for non-system-wide package systems, whereas they are a primary feature for e.g. dpkg.

In short, the per-platform/language tools are (generally):

  1. Written in languages that are familiar to the consumers of the tools.
  2. Targeted at use on top of existing platforms, by non-privileged users, and where temporary breakage is fine.
  3. Intended to get the software packaged in them onto widely disparate operating systems.
  4. Very narrow – they make huge assumptions about how things can fit together, which their specific language/toolchain permits, and don’t generalise beyond that.
  5. Don’t provide for security updates in any specific form: that is left up to folk that ship individual things within the manager.

operating system package managers:

  1. Are written in languages which are very easy to bootstrap onto an architecture, and to deploy onto bare metal (as part of installation).
  2. Designed for delivering system components, and to avoid be able to upgrade the toolchain itself safely.
  3. Originally built to install onto one operating system, ports to other operating systems are usually fragile and only adopted in niche.
  4. Are hugely broad – they install data, scripts, binaries, and need to know about late binding, system caches etc for every binary and runtime format the operating system supports
  5. Make special provision to allow security updates to be installed in a low latency fashion, without requiring anything consuming the package that is updated to change [but usually force-uninstalling anything that is super-tightly coupled to a library version].

Anti virus package managers:

  1. Exist to update daemons that run with system wide escalated privileges, or even file system layer drivers.
  2. Update datasets in realtime.
  3. Without permitting updates that are produced by third parties.

Given that, lets look at the routes Matt suggested…

Decoupling applications from the core as a strategy makes an assumption – that the core and applications are partitionable. If they are not, then applications and the core will share common elements that need to be updated together. Consider, for instance,  a Python application. If you run with a system installed Python, and it is built without zlib for some reason, but the Python application requires zlib, you have a problem. A classic example of this problem is facing Ubuntu today, with all the system provided tools moving to Python 3, but vast swathes of Python applications still being unported to Python 3 at all. Currently, the Python packaging system – virtualenv/buildout + distribute – don’t provide a way to install the Python runtime itself, but will happily install their own components for everything up the stack from the runtime. Ubuntu makes extensive use of Python for its own tools, so the system Python has a lot of packages installed which buildout etc cannot ignore – this often leads to issues with e.g. buildout, when the bootstrap environment has (say) zope.interfaces, but its then not accessible from the built-out environment that disables the standard sys.path (to achieve more robust separation). If we want to pursue decoupling, whether we build a new package manager or use e.g. virtualenv (or gem or npm or …), we’ll need to be aware of this issue – and perhaps offer, for an extended time, a dedicated no-frills, no-distro-packages install, to avoid it, and to allow an extended supported period for application authors without committing to a massive, distro sponsored porting effort. While its tempting to say we should install pip/npm/lein/maven and other external package systems, this is actually risky: they often evolve sufficiently fast that Ubuntu will be delivering an old, incompatible version of the tool to users well before Ubuntu goes out of support, or even befor the next release of Ubuntu.

Treating data as a service. All the cases I’ve seen so far of applications grabbing datasets from the web have depended on web infrastructure for validating the dataset. E.g. SSL certificates, or SSL + content checksums. Basically, small self-rolled distribution systems. I’m likely ignorant of details here, and I depend on you, dear reader, to edumacate me. There is potential value in having data repackaged, when our packaging system has behind-firewall support, and the adhoc system that (for instance) a virus scanner system has does not. In this case, I specifically mean the problem of updated a machine which has no internet access, not even via a proxy. The challenge I see it is again the cross platform issue: The vendor will be supporting Ubuntu + Debian + RHEL + Suse, and from their perspective its probably cheaper to roll their own solution than to directly support dpkg + rpm + whatever Apple offer + Windows – the skills to roll an adhoc distribution tool are more common than the skills to integrate closely with dpkg or rpm…

What about creating a set of interfaces for talking to dpkg / rpm / the system packagers on Windows and Mac OSX ? Here I think there is some promise, but it needs – as Matt said – careful thought. PackageKit isn’t sufficient, at least today.

There are, I think, two specific cases to cater to:

  1. The anti-virus / fresh data set case.
  2. The egg/gem/npm/ specific case.

For the egg/gem/npm case, we would need to support a pretty large set of common functionality, on Windows/Mac OSX / *nux (because otherwise upstream won’t adopt what we create: losing 90% of their users (windows) or 5% (mac) isn’t going to be well accepted 🙂 . We’d need to support multiple installations (because of mutually incompatible dependencies between applications), and we’d need to support multiple language bindings in some fashion – some approachable fashion where the upstream will feel capable of fixing and tweaking what we offer. We’re going to need to support offline updates, replication, local builds, local repositories, and various signing strategies – to match the various tradeoffs made by the upstream tools.

For the anti-virus / fresh data case, we’d need to support a similar set of operating systems, though I strongly suspect that there would be more tolerance for limited support – in that most things in that space either have very platform specific code, or they are just a large-scale form of the egg/gem/npm problem, which also wants easy updates.

What next?

We should validate this discussion with at least two or three upstreams. Find out whats missing – I suspect a lot – and whats wrong – I hope not much :). Then we’ll be in a position to decide if there is a tractable, widespread solution *possible*.

Separately, we should stop fighting with upstreams that have their own packaging systems. They are satisfying different use cases than our core distro packaging systems are designed to solve. We should stop mindlessly repackaging things from e.g. eggs to debs, unless we need that specific thing as part of the transitive runtime or buildtime dependencies for the distribution itself. In particular, if us folk that build system packaging tools adopt and use the upstream application packaging tools, we can learn in a deep way the (real) advantages they have, and become more able to reason about how to unify the various engineering efforts going into them – and perhaps even eventually satisfy them using dpkg/rpm on our machines.

dmraid (fakeraid) mirror + striped

While some folk look down on fakeraid (that is BIOS based RAID-until-OS-takes-over) solutions, I think they are pretty neat: they let a user get many of the benefits of dedicated controller cards at a fraction of the cost. The benefits include the usual ones for RAID – more spindles to handle IO, tolerance of disk failures. And unlike pure LVM solutions, you can boot from a degraded RAID 1 / 5 / 10 set because the BIOS knows how.

In some ways this is better than dedicated cards, because we have the software take over, so we can change the algorithms for IO dispatch all the way down to the individual devices 🙂

However, these RAID volumes are in a pretty awkward spot for installers and bootloaders: inside a running Linux environment they look like software RAID which cannot be depended on for booting, but at boot time they look like hard disks which cannot be looked under the hood.

I recently got a new desktop machine which has one of these motherboards, and fortuitously my old desktop I was replacing had the same size disks – so I had 4 disks and the option of using a RAID setup. Apparently I’m a sucker for punishment because I went for a RAID 10 (that is two RAID volumes made up of two-disk mirrors (the RAID 1 component), and then those two volumes are combined via striping (the RAID 0 component). This has the potential for pretty nice performance: in principle any read can come from one of 2 disks, and every 64KB (the stripe size) of linear data will switch to the other mirror set, giving a nice boost. Writes need to write to 2 disks always, but every 64KB worth of data will alternate mirror sets, also giving a boost.

Sadly we (Ubuntu) aren’t ready for this yet: there are two key bugs that make this layout almost impossible to install into. This blog post is for my exo-memory, I want to be able to figure out what I did next time around :).

Firstly parted_devices, a helper used by Ubiquity and debian-installer to determine which block devices are actually disk drives that one can partition and install onto, has a confused heuristic – when dealing with dmraid it looks for devices which are not layered on other dmraid devices. This handily excludes partitions, but has the undesirable effect of excluding that striped device – because it is layered on the two mirrored devices. Bug 560748 was filed about that, and I’ve added a workaround to it – basically disabling the filtering, so its not suitable as a long term fix, but it will let one select the RAID volume correctly.

Secondly, grub2, which needs to figure out what the name at boot time of the RAID volume will be currently gets confused. I don’t know enough to really explain – and be correct in my explanation – but I do have a fugly patch which worked for me. Bug 803658 tracks this defect. The basic approach I took was to say that dmraid devices should be an abstraction layer we don’t peek under: if it claims to be a disk, well then its a disk. As grub does actually work that way  – it talks to INT 13h – the BIOS support for booting off of the RAID volume is entirely sufficient.

Sadly neither bug is at the point where the patches can be rolled into Ubuntu itself, but the workaround should let folk get up and running.

In both cases, build the package locally in the installer, install it, then after than run ubiquity and things should install.

After the install, you will need to reapply the patch in the resulting installed environment, or things like update-grub will die on you!

(huge thanks to cjwatson and ev for giving me some tips while I investigated this)

Debianising with bzr-builddeb

Bzr build-deb is very nice, but it can be very tricky to get started. I recently did a fresh debianisation of a project that is in bzr upstream, and I thought I’d record the recipe to make it work (at least until the various bugs making it hard re fixed).

Assuming that the upstream uses bzr, it goes like this:

  1. Start with a branch that is close to the code you want to Debianise. E.g. if the release was off trunk, 3 commits back: bzr branch trunk -r -3 debian
  2. Debianise as normal: put the tarball with the right name in the parent dir,  add a debian directory and fiddle until you build a package you’re happy with. Don’t commit while doing this.
  3. Build a source package- debuild -S, or bzr builddeb -S
  4. Revert your changes – bzr revert.
  5. Import the dsc – bzr import-dsc ../*.dsc
  6. Now, you may find that some dot files, such as .bzrignore have been discarded inappropriately (there is a bug open on this). If that happened, keep going. Otherwise, you’re done: you can now use merge-upstream on future upstream releases, and debcommit etc.
  7. bzr uncommit
  8. bzr revert .bzrignore (and any other files that you want to get back)
  9. debcommit
  10. All done, see point  6 for details.


Packaging backlog

Got some of my packaging backlog sorted out:

  • bicyclerepairman updated for the vim policy (which means it works again!)
  • python-testtools (a simple migration of the package to Debian)
  • subunit 0.0.2 released upstream and packaged for Debian.
  • testresources 0.2 ->  Debian.
  • python-junitxml packaged up.

And a small memo-to-self: On all new machines, echo ” filetype plugin on” >> ~/.vimrc